A few times in recent months, we received questions from folks about how to buy Sugar. Until now, the only response we had was that we didn’t offer them for sale but that you could create your own by following our instructions. If you wanted to run Sugar on a Stick, you had to flash a USB drive yourself before using it.
Of course, flashing a USB can be a great educational experience, and this will remain an option. However, what we heard from people asking this question was that they wanted a few things that they couldn’t get from flashing a USB themselves. One is that they wanted the convenience—and added assurance–of purchasing a USB from a reputable vendor. Another is that some people were expecting something branded with the Sugar Labs logo. For some, it may be the ability to gift a USB for a friend or teacher. And, for the majority who reached out to us, it seemed that they wanted a way to pay us for the software, and, in so doing, help sustain our work for years to come.
Well, we’re excited to share the news that you are now able to purchase a Sugar Labs-branded USB with Sugar on a Stick pre-installed!
We partnered up with USB Memory Direct for this particular offering. USB Memory Direct (UMD) has a history of supporting free/libre/open source projects such as ours. They will also be handling inventory and shipping & handling, which means that we at Sugar Labs can keep focusing on what we do best: create learning software for education! Plus, UMD will give all profits from sales to Sugar Labs, which we will use to further our mission in Constructionist education.
Now that we have both clothing merchandise and SoaS USBs for purchase, we created a new product page. The direct link to the Sugar on a Stick (SoaS) product page is https://www.usbmemorydirect.com/store/novelty/sugarlabs/ and the direct link for clothing merchandise is https://www.bonfire.com/store/sugar-labs-merch/. Detailed product information and specifications are on the respective landing pages.
If you purchase a USB or clothing merchandise, please let us know about it. You can either contact us directly, or you can create a post on social media with the hashtag #SugarLabs for us to find. And, if you create a video of your experience on YouTube, let us know and we can add it to our Sugar on a Stick playlist. We love hearing from you!